Terms of Use
1. General information required
The website www.leocamerini.com (hereinafter, the “Website”) is provided by LG Camerini S.a.s. (hereinafter, “Leo Camerini”), with registered office in Via Alberto Mario 15, 37121 – Verona, Italy – Fiscal code no. IT04683810230.
Any request for information must be sent to Customer Service on the Customer Service page or by e-mail to info@leocamerini.com
2. Acceptance of terms
Access to, and use of, any part or service of the www.leocamerini.com website implies acceptance and compliance with the present Terms of Use.
These Terms of Use constitute a binding contract between Leo Camerini and the User. If the User does not wish to be bound by them, she/he is kindly invited to refrain from visiting the Website.
3. Liability
Leo Camerini is not responsible for any damage or loss resulting from the use of the Website or from materials downloaded from it under any circumstances, within the limits permitted by law.
Except as provided by current consumer protection legislation, Leo Camerini is not responsible for any damage or loss deriving from errors or omissions contained in the Website. Likewise, it is not responsible for any damage or loss deriving from the use of the information contained in the Website, whatever it is.
The Website is made available without any guarantee, explicit or implicit, that it meets the User’s requirements.
4. Prohibited activities and content
The User must not make improper use of the Website by introducing programs, or other technologically harmful content, or by taking action to alter the same and / or its contents. The User must also not take steps to block the Website or prevent its use by other Users in any way.
Information that is not intentionally made public on the Website is to be considered confidential. Within the limits permitted by law, Leo Camerini cannot in any case authorize access to such information and any action aimed at obtaining it through the Site itself is prohibited.
5. Suspension of the service
Leo Camerini reserves the right to temporarily suspend, without notice, the provision of the service offered through the Website for the time required for the necessary technical operations and / or operations aimed at improving the quality of the service itself.
Leo Camerini may, at any time, interrupt the provision of the Service if it deems that there are justifiable security reasons or breaches of confidentiality, in this case giving notice to the User.
6. Applicable law
These Conditions are governed by Italian law and in particular by Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206 on consumption, with specific reference to the regulation of distance contracts and the legislative decree 9 April 2003 n. 70 on some aspects of electronic commerce.
7. Amendments and Updates
These Terms and Conditions may be modified from time to time in consideration of any regulatory changes and will be effective from the date of publication on www.leocamerini.com.